Qualified Testing Framework


Qualified provides a custom testing framework for Objective-C. However, we recommend using the standard unitkit instead.

Pass/Fail methods

equal(NSObject actual, NSObject expected)

Checks that the actual value equals the expected value.

notEqual(NSObject actual, NSObject expected)

Checks that the actual value does not equal the expected value.

pass(int expression)

Checks that the integer passed is true. Useful when passing an assert, for example, true == true.

Spec Methods

describe(msg, block)

Top level method for describing/grouping a set of tests. Globally available in tests as "describe".

describe("Foo", ^() {


it(msg, fn)

Used in conjunction with describe to group related sets of tests in a spec. Globally available in tests as "it".

describe(@"foo", ^() {
  it(@"exclaims things", ^() {
    equal(@"Hi!", foo(@"Hi"));