Qualified supports Ruby MRI 3.0, 2.5 and 2.3.
Ruby versions older than 3.0 are deprecated. Use Ruby 3.0.
The sandbox environment will timeout the code within 12 seconds.
The following gems are available for use:
Ruby MRI 3.0
Default (no preset)
Ruby on Rails preset
Only available in Project Code Challenges.
Ruby MRI 2.5
activesupport ~> 5.2.0
factory_bot ~> 4.8.2
faker ~> 1.8.7
faraday ~> 0.15.1
mongo ~> 2.5.3
mongoid ~> 6.2.0
nokogiri ~> 1.8.2
pg ~> 1.0.0
rack ~> 2.0.5
rails ~> 5.2.0
redis ~> 4.0.1
rspec ~> 3.7.0
rspec-its ~> 1.2.0
sequel ~> 5.8.0
sinatra ~> 2.0.1
sqlite3 ~> 1.3.13
webmock ~> 3.4.2
Ruby MRI 2.3
activesupport ~> 5.1.2
awesome_print ~> 1.8.0
bcrypt ~> 3.1.11
capybara ~> 2.14.4
celluloid ~> 0.17.3
chronic ~> 0.10.2
concerning ~> 1.1.0
concurrent-ruby ~> 1.0.5
connection_pool ~> 2.2.1
eventmachine ~> 1.2.3
factory_girl ~> 4.8.0
faker ~> 1.8.4
faraday ~> 0.12.2
hamster ~> 3.0.0
hashie ~> 3.5.6
httparty ~> 0.15.6
jbuilder ~> 2.7.0
jwt ~> 1.5.6
mock_redis ~> 0.17.3
mongo ~> 2.4.3
mongoid ~> 6.2.0
nokogiri ~> 1.8.0
pg ~> 0.21.0
rack ~> 2.0.3
rails ~> 5.1.2
redis ~> 3.3.3
rspec ~> 3.6.0
rspec-its ~> 1.2.0
rspec-rails ~> 3.6.0
sequel ~> 4.48.0
sinatra ~> 2.0.0
sqlite3 ~> 1.3.13
timecop ~> 0.9.1
timers ~> 4.1.2
webmock ~> 3.0.1
Our Ruby environment supports the following testing frameworks: