Qualified Testing Framework

Qualified provides a custom testing framework for JavaScript. However, we recommend using Mocha BDD and Mocha TDD instead.


When taking a challenge, the test framework is already selected for you. You can determine which framework you are using by looking in the upper-right of the Sample Tests code area.

Test Object

The Test object provides the testing functionality needed to validate a challenge's requirements, or to write your own tests if you are taking a challenge. It is a frozen object and cannot be modified.

Pass/Fail methods

Test.expect(passed, msg)

Core assertion method that all other methods build off of. msg argument is optional. If it is not provided then a generic message will be used. Best practice is to provide your own message.

Pass/Fail status will be written to the output stream.

Test.assertEquals(actual, expected, msg)

Checks that the actual value equals (===) the expected value. A useful message will be displayed for both pass and fail outcomes. The msg argument is optional. If given it will be displayed in addition to the typical message used.

Test.assertNotEquals(actual, unexpected, msg)

Checks that the actual value does not equal (!==) the unexpected value. A useful message will be displayed for both pass and fail outcomes. The msg argument is optional. If given it will be displayed in addition to the typical message used.

Test.assertSimilar(actual, expected, msg)

Checks that the actual value equals (===) the expected value. Test.inspect is used to wrap the values being tested, allowing for similar values to be considered the same. A useful message will be displayed for both pass and fail outcomes. The msg argument is optional. If given it will be displayed in addition to the typical message used.

Test.assertNotSimilar(actual, unexpected, msg)

Checks that the actual value does not equal (!==) the unexpected value. Test.inspect is used to wrap the values being tested, allowing for similar values to be considered the same. A useful message will be displayed for both pass and fail outcomes. The msg argument is optional. If given it will be displayed in addition to the typical message used.

Test.expectError(msg, fn)

Useful for testing that an error was expected to happen. msg is optional but best practice is to provide one.

Test.expectNoError(msg, fn)

Useful for testing that an error was not expected to happen. msg is optional but best practice is to provide one.

Spec Methods

describe(msg, fn)

Top level method for describing/grouping a set of tests. Globally aliased as describe.

describe("Foo", () => {


// or

Test.describe("Foo", () => {


it(msg, fn)

Used in conjunction with describe to group related sets of tests in a spec. Globally aliased as it.

describe("Foo", () => {
  it ("should be defined", () => {
    Test.expect(this.Foo, "Foo is not defined")


Any callbacks sent to this method will be called before each it spec is run.

// this is a contrived example
describe("Foo", () => {
  let a = 0;

  // called before each spec is run
  before(() => {
    a = 0;

  it("should should do something", () => {
    Test.assertEquals(a, 1)

  it("should do something else", () => {
    a += 2;
    Test.assertEquals(a, 2)

Helper Methods

Test.callCount(methodName) → Integer

Returns the number of times a Test method has been called. Useful when creating challenge that need to test the usage of Test methods. Also useful when using Test helper methods are disallowed within the challenge solution. You can simply test if any disallowed calls have been made.

Test.inspect(object) → String

Returns a string representation of the object. For simple objects toString() will be used. For complex objects a JSON representation will be given.

Test.randomize(array) → Array

Shuffles the contents of an array. This is useful for generated randomly ordered tests, to reduce cheating.

Test.randomNumber() → Integer

Returns a random integer.

Test.randomToken() → String

Returns a random string of characters.

Test.sample(array) → object

Returns a single, randomly chosen item from an array.